
by Janet R.

If you planning to have your wedding, don t get surprised if you will be having a long list of wedding expenses in a piece of sheet, hence they are essential to make your wedding as perfect as possible. Weddings these days have become costly. However, if you are smart enough to plan your wedding properly, you can definitely save a lot and you may wonder how you have done your wedding at a fraction of cost it should be.

Planning a wedding carefully and wisely can even reduce the expenses drastically. You may even get amazed that you have saved extra amount by not spending too much of this and that. So make sure you have set you wedding budget and listed down all the essential things to be present at your wedding day. You may then revise or narrow down your list and have the most important thing set separately from those that are to be omitted. You may check several websites that give out free wedding planners that you can use as your wedding guide. Or you can download them and take a print out of those planners and use it for your wedding planning.

Actually, a wedding doesn t have to be very expensive to enjoy. Many wedding couples nowadays can make their own way on how to stick within their budget preference. Not only this, it is no joke that there are many items of wedding that you can reduce the cost. For instance, instead of having a big wedding cake, why not order a quite smaller one and have a sheet cake to be cut and served. The cake can serve as the dessert instead of preparing sweets that are often come in quite expensive cost. Even on your wedding dresses, you can definitely save some money on that. If you have the skill to make your own wedding gown, then go for it. Or perhaps, if aunt or grandma knows how, let them do it as a gift for you. You may also check out discount bridal shops and see if they have a good one in store for you. Or, why not rent or borrow one?

These are few inexpensive options that you may consider if you want a wedding on a budget. Instead of hiring a professional photographer or videographer, a friend or loved one who is very much interested with this craft can help you save money for such keepsakes. You may ask his or her service during photography sessions on and before your wedding. For sure he or she would be happy to do it if you. Having a reception on Friday night instead of Saturday would cut down a lot of money spent. For the dinner you should choose a buffet system or a pot lock reception, instead of a sit down dinner. A buffet would actually cut down cost of the dinner. And instead of renting a limousine, alternatively you may choose a Cadillac or other luxury vehicle and cut down quite a sum. You may also consider making your ow wedding invitations which is a very good money saving option too.

And when it comes to wedding gifts, since not only you as the wedding couple deserves gifts but also your attendants and guest, gifts for them shouldn t cause you a headache. Instead of spending too much for gifts, why not give inexpensive bridesmaids gifts ideas and groomsmen gifts ideas. Save money also by giving out cheap wedding favors. These affordable wedding ideas can drastically cut down your wedding expenses, thus avoiding you from paying a nightmare of depths after your wedding has ended.

About the Author: Jnet is an author for a variety of lifestyle issues and topics including weddings. If you’re looking for affordable wedding favors, visit the website http://Americanbridal.com and browse their extensive collection. Find discount groomsmen gifts to make your wedding extra special! Article Source: ActiveAuthors.com

Flowers at your ceremony and your reception are an integral part of a beautiful wedding, but they can cost thousands of dollars. Your cheap wedding flowers can look fabulous.

Florists don’t specialize in cheap wedding flowers so if you’re buying the flowers through a florist, order flowers that will be in season. Daffodils are beautiful and not very expensive in the spring, but horrendously priced at other times of year. Roses, carnations and mums are year round flowers usually reasonably priced.

Flexibility in your color choices can bring down costs. Yellow and white are the most common flower colors, followed by red. Blue is rare, as is purple. True black in nature doesn’t exist. If you have got to have black, use silk flowers. You can mix silk flowers with real ones as long as the silks are small flowered.

Florist prices depend on the variety of the flower, how many flowers and how long it takes to make the arrangement. Wedding flowers aren’t cheap at a florist. The simpler the arrangement, the less time they have to spend on it, the less expensive the arrangements. If you have got to have exotic flowers like orchids, place one stem in a tall slender vase. You’ll get the glamor at a lesser cost. You can use oriental lilies the same way. Usually there are three flowers on each stem. Place one stem in each narrow tall vase.

To really save on flowers and get cheap wedding flowers, don’t use a florist. Grocery stores these days have a fabulous assortment of blossoms and bouquets. And they come in a variety of colors. If you want an arrangement for each table at your reception, buy an inexpensive glass vase and a bunch of flowers from the grocer. Place flowers in vase and you’re done. If the colors are of paramount importance you can talk to the flower manager to see what she/he has ordered for the week of your wedding. You can then have the correct color bouquets saved just for you.

Roses are only expensive at two times a year, Valentine’s and Mother Day. Other times of the year they can be had for as little as $10 a dozen. Buy five dozen and you have enough for ten tables when you fill in with greenery. You can also buy flowers wholesale online. Just make sure that you don’t need a retail license and that the minimum quantity is something realistic. 12 dozen roses sounds like a lot, but if you have 8 tables at your reception, the cake table, and a drinks table, you’ve just used 12 dozen roses. Keep in mind flowers from wholesalers are shipped in the tightly closed bud state. You will need some place to store the flowers and keep them in water. And leave enough time, two or three days after delivery for the buds to open up a bit.

Whether you order the flowers online or pick them up from your grocers the flowers need to be prepared. Strip off all the leaves from the stem that will be below the water line in the vase. Re cut each stem at a 45 degree angle and immediately put in a bucket of ice water. If the buds are tightly closed and you want them to open, place the buckets in a warm brightly lit room. If you want to slow down the flower’s from opening place the buckets in a dark cool room.

The easiest way to transport the flowers from home to the wedding site is to keep them in the buckets and place them in the vases at the site.

You can save money on cheap wedding flowers and your guests will never know. Your wedding will still be beautiful.

About The Author– Find out more tips and tricks on how you can save money on your wedding flowers, gown, reception and more Weddings on a Shoestring Budget

Article Source: Articles island – Free article submission and free reprint articles



Denumirea botanică: Syringa vulgaris

Denumirea comună: liliac

Descriere: Florile de liliac sunt produse de arbuşti lemnoşi ce pot atinge până la 4,5 metri înălţime. Florile individuale sunt mici şi în formă de stea. Cei mai mulţi îl îndrăgesc pentru parfumul său dulce.

Culori: diverse nuanţe de mov, purpuriu, roz şi alb.

Durata de viaţă în vază: cu puţină grijă, florile pot dura până la 10 zile. Cele mai multe soiuri au o durată de viaţă de 5-9 zile.

Disponibilitate: Liliacul crescut în scopuri comerciale este disponibil tot anul – din februarie până în noiembrie, sau din noiembrie până în aprilie – de la producătorii din Olanda.

Prelungirea duratei de viaţă REFRIGERARE: poate fi păstrat la temperaturi între 1 şi 3 grade.

APA: nivelul apei trebuie verificat zilnic, iar tulpinile lemnoase trebuie tăiate din nou (dar nu trebuie zdrobite!). Se îndepărtează floricelele ofilite. Sensibilitatea la etilenă: Liliacul e sensibil la etilenă.

ORIGINE: Europa şi Asia Centrală şi se cultivă în grădini din secolul al XVI-lea.

FAMILIA: liliacul e membru al familiei Oleaceae (măslini). Printre rudele sale se numără Forsythia, Iasomia (Jasminum) şi Osmanthus.



Seva care se scurge din tulpină reduce durata de viaţă a altor flori. Deci, liliacul nu trebuie folosit în buchete mix imediat după procesare.


Florile de liliac pot fi folosite în orice fel de aranjament, mai ales în buchete “hand-tied” (de mână) sau pentru nunţi. Deoarece sunt foarte însetate, asigură-te că sunt aşezate în containere pline cu apă.


Liliacul trebuie ţinut în locuri răcoroase, bine iluminate. Sunt de evitat sursele de căldură sau lumina directă a soarelui. Florile pot fi stropite ocazional.

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